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An easier way to make health a habit. Get Happy Ratio delivered every month
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every month
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More details about subscriptions? Read FAQs
Per Month Subscriptions
Continuous subscriptions, charged and delivered every month
Only supported for Visa and Master credit cards from all bank and on debit cards from ICICI, Kotak, Citibank and Canara Bank.
Save 25%
Rs. 199/meal Rs. 149/meal
What are subscriptions?
Subscriptions are created for routine monthly deliveries. Your box of Happy Ratio will ship on the same day, every month based on when you start your subscription. You can adjust your quantity of Happy Ratio you wish to get each month.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Contact to cancel your order
How do I update my subscription?
You cannot modify your order once placed. In such cases contact for help.
How does my payment get deducted?
Each month your card will get charged according to the option you chose when you started subscriptions. Monthly deliveries will be made as per the quantity your chose when you subscribed.
Can I have multiple subscriptions in parallel?
Yes, you can. You will have to subscribe to them separately.
What are the payment options available?
Subscription payments are supported on Visa and Mastercard Credit Cards from all Banks and Debit Cards from ICICI, Kotak, Citibank and Canara Bank.
What are the delivery times?
It can take up to a week to get delivery. If you ordered on the weekend or during public holidays then it will take a little longer.
When does delivery happen?
Subscriptions are shipped the day after you ordered. For example, if you subscribed on the 10th of October, then shipment will leave on the 11th of each month.